“Latonia Moore’s lovely soprano continually soared into heavenly, sweetly rounded sounds as Mimí. Happily, Moore did not overdo the coughing, signaling that she’s dying of consumption (Anna Moffo had the Met audience coughing along with her when she sang this role). The camera close-ups of Moore revealed a sensitive artist giving her very best.”

- Rex Hearn

“Latonia Moore stood out, even in this excellent company, as Serena, the devout wife of Robbins, who mourns her husband after he is killed in a fight with the reckless Crown (“My Man’s Gone Now”). For this listener—if forced to choose from such a wealth of musical pleasure—Serena’s aria and the duets between Porgy and Bess were the musical high points of the evening.”

- Fred Mazelis

Latonia Moore was was a passionate, emotionally vulnerable Mimi. With a voice several sizes larger than many sopranos who sing the role, Moore’s creamy middle register and exquisite high range commanded attention from her first entrance. She powerfully conveyed Mimi’s desperation at her lover Rodolfo’s jealousy in her scene with Quinn Kelsey as Marcello. Moore’s nuanced vocalism of the heroine’s death scene was all the more potent for its understatement.

- Lawrence Budmen

“Lo más memorable de la noche, sin embargo, nos llegó con en la espiritualidad desgarrada del “My Man’s Gone” de Latonia Moore, como Serena recién enviudada”

- Juan José Freijo

“As Serena, Latonia Moore arguably stole the show with her “My Man’s Gone Now.”

- David Salazar